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Creating an Application for a Breakdown Order
Applications for breakdown orders differ slightly from regular orders.
To begin creating an application for payment, either:
Open SC Orders. Right-click the order you wish to create an application for, or left-click the order and click the menu icon , then click Create Application for Order. This opens the Add New Application screen for the order you selected.
Open Applications. Right-click an application, or left-click an application and click the menu icon , then click Add New Application. The opens the Add New Application screen for the same order as the application you selected.
Note that there can be only one active application per valuation period. If you submit an application for a valuation period which already has a submitted application, the previous application is superseded.
For breakdown orders, the Application screen contains two tabs: Summary and Application. The Summary tab resembles the Details tab for regular applications – the main difference being that the measured works fields are read-only, and their values are calculated from the entries in the Application tab.
Open the Application tab to view each order item of the breakdown.
For each order line, enter a value in either the Qty To Date, the Valuation To Date or the % To Date column. Note that these are cumulative values, and some of these columns may not be available based on the order configuration. You cannot enter a value greater than the value of the order item (shown in the Original Value column). When you update one of these fields, the other two on the same line are updated automatically when you click elsewhere on the screen.
If there is at least one committed variation order, the Variations sub-tab will be available. Open it to view the variation orders.
Variation orders work in the same way as original order lines. Enter values in either the Qty To Date, the MC Valuation To Date or the % To Date column for each line.
You can add notes to an original order item or variation order by clicking the button in the Notes column on that line. Once an order item or variation order has notes attached, the Notes button on that line will turn yellow, and you can hover the button to read the notes in a tooltip.
Australia only: Open the Other Adjustments tab if you wish to make any adjustments to the order.
- To create a new adjustment, click the plus button. This opens the Create Adjustment window. Enter the necessary details. Note that if you select Unapproved VO from the Type drop-down, you must also enter a quantity, unit and rate. Click to save the adjustment. It will then appear in the grid.
- To edit an adjustment, click the pencil buttonon that row in the table.
- To delete an adjustment, click the delete button on that row in the table.
Return to the Summary tab to view the overall values you are applying for. The Discount and Retention values are calculated automatically, but you can still edit them if you wish.
The Cost of Materials (This App) field in the This Period column may or may not be editable, based on the CIS status of the subcontract. If it is editable, you must enter a value for this period. You cannot enter a negative value or a value greater than the sub total for this period. The Labour Liable for Tax value will be calculated automatically.
To add an attachment:
Click to open the attachments screen.
Click Browse to open your local directory.
Find the file you wish to upload, then double click it or drag and drop it to the Create Payment Notice window.
Click to upload the file.
You can add multiple files this way if you wish.
To delete an attachment that you have uploaded, right-click it and click Delete File, then click on the popup.
Australia only: It is required to attach a statutory declaration to your claim. Attach it using the steps above, then return to the Summary tab and tick the Statutory Declaration Attached Confirmation tick box.
If this box is unticked when you attempt to save or submit, you will receive a warning message. You will also receive a warning if the box is ticked but there are no attachments.
Click to save the application. The application will be added to the list on the Applications screen but will not be sent to the main contractor and will be available to edit.
Click to submit the application to the main contractor.